Law firm strategic planning is very important. However, the vast majority of law firms, if even created, fail at the implementation level. It usually goes something like this… a law firm hires an expensive consultant, or tries strategic planning on their own, creates a massive plan that covers every aspect of their business, the plan is nicely formatted and packaged, the plan sits on a shelf and lawyers go back to their busy lives. ESQuisite has a different approach. We work with clients to determine the most important strategic planning issues facing their firm. We create practical goals which include the necessary strategy and tactics to reach those goals, then we work directly with the client to implement the strategies and tactics to achieve the goals.
And, we do not overcomplicate things – the business of law should be relatively simple.
Our strategic planning services include, but are not limited to the following:
- Growth plans
- Business development and marketing plans
- Practice group plans
- Industry group plans
- Competitive analysis
- Positioning and branding plans
- Succession plans
- Attorney development plans
- Pricing strategies and plans
We offer different strategic planning packages depending on your needs.
Packages start at $5,000 and include:
- Meeting with members of the management team
- Information collection
- Goals – 1 year, 3 years, 5 years, 10 years+
- Current firm condition – revenue trends, where are you stuck, threats and opportunities, competitive analysis, existing marketing/branding, internal policies and procedures, and culture.
- Development, distribution, collection, and analysis of firm survey to ensure what management sees is what the boots on the ground see. This is not a suggestion box – rather a tool to collect data to develop a strategic plan that will have buy-in across the board.
- Information collection
- Creation of a plan with prioritized suggestions and recommendations for immediate, mid-term, and long-term steps.
- Meeting with the management team to finalize the plan.
- Finalize plan
- Communicate the plan to the firm with tools, tasks, and schedule
- Ongoing implementation and support starts at $2500/month
- Business development and marketing coaching
- Industry group coaching
- Succession plans/implementation
- Attorney development plans/coaching
Let’s chat about what you want your firm to look like and where you want to take it. The old adage that nobody plans to fail but they fail to plan rings true. Let’s plan your firm’s success together – call us.